Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy

– Cancellation Restrictions:
– All orders are placed through BNH Food & Snacks Industries. website cannot be cancelled or refunded under any circumstances.

– No Refund Policy:
BNH Food & Snacks Industries. does not entertain refund requests for food items as it exclusively deals in foodstuffs.

– Quality and Dissatisfaction:
– In case of dissatisfaction with the quality or color of food items, customers are not eligible for cancellation or refund of the billed amounts.

 Complaints and Reporting

– Shortfall in Delivery or Spillage:
– If there is a shortfall in delivery or spillage of food items, customers must promptly inform BNH Food & Snacks Industries. via email at [email protected], facsimile, or telephone.

– Investigation Process:
BNH Food & Snacks Industries. will initiate investigations upon receiving a complaint and make reasonable efforts to complete the investigation within thirty days from the complaint’s commencement.

– Decision and Finality:
– The decision of BNH Food & Snacks Industries. after completing the investigation shall be final, binding, and conclusive, and customers agree not to dispute the same.

– Packaging Dissatisfaction:
– Customers dissatisfied with the packaging are not eligible to seek cancellation or refund of the payment made.

 Website Usage and Policies

– Terms of Business:
– Customers are encouraged to visit the Terms of Business section on the BNH Food & Snacks Industries. website to understand the use, terms and conditions, limitations of liability, disclaimers policy, payment terms, delivery terms, cancellation and refund terms, and online privacy policy. Visit: [Terms of Business]

 User Consent

– Consent Acknowledgment:
– By using the BNH Food & Snacks Industries. website, you acknowledge and consent to all the online terms and conditions, including the policies mentioned above. For further details, refer to: [Online Terms and Conditions]


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